Orthopedic Upper Extremity Physical Therapy in the Twin Cities

Individualized help - from fingertips to spine.

If it hurts to move, I am here to help. Whether it is hand pain with crocheting, elbow pain with painting, shoulder pain with weaving, or neck and back pain with sewing for 72 hours straight before your competition, I understand your drive to continue to create and your need to do so in a pain-free way.

Annual Physical Therapy Well-Visits

Yearly screening of your musculoskeletal, cardiovascular, and neuromuscular systems

Preventative maintenance starts with awareness! Screening for movement disorders before chronic pain creeps up is a great first step. Minnesota is a "direct-access" state, so no referral is needed to get started! Compare your progress from year to year, and be in control of your priority list.

Take control of how and when you access health care.

Let's turn your healthcare into affordable and convenient self care!

Cash Pay

No surprise billing. No 3rd party making YOUR medical decisions.

Flexibility in location

Be seen in your own home, via telehealth, meet at a park, or a mutually agreed upon safe space!

Access specialized preventative care

We offer ergonomic home studio / crafting space assessments, as well as Annual Physical Therapy Well Visits.

Don't let your creative environment slow you down.

Reach out for an Ergonomic Creative Space Assessment.

Let's make your tools and your space fit YOU. Your well-being and health is important to keep doing the things you love. Posture is important, but your ability to use your space and move easily and comfortably should be the focus!


No matter where you are in your journey.